
Tag: brunei

Labour: We will issue LPA within nine days

The Labour Department will process applications for Foreign Workers’ License (LPA) within nine working days when the new system comes into effect on April...

UTB student makes $5,000 an event selling socks

Socks and hand sleeves. That’s pretty much all Zahidatul Amalina is selling. Capitalizing on the growing segment of Muslimah fashion, the 23-year-old (Left in picture)...

AMBD launches sandbox under new FinTech unit

Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam (AMBD) has launched a regulatory sandbox to facilitate the development of financial technology, or FinTech in short, last Monday. A sandbox...

‘We need the young generation to come through’

In 1966, a small group of youth, working in the oil and gas industry, would cycle door to door around Seria, persuading friends, family...

BICPA offering free financial clinic for local cooperatives

The Brunei Darussalam Institute of Certified Public Accountants (BICPA) will be hosting financial clinics for local cooperatives every Saturday to provide guidance and assessment...

COBLAS: Upskilling entrepreneurs with foresight

If you have knowledge, why not share it? COBLAS, or Consulting Based Learning for ASEAN SMEs in short, is a workshop aimed at providing businesses...

From $200 to $200,000: Married couple finds niche in headscarves

It was 2010. Hj Mohd Sabri Hj Suhaili was three years into his decision to not renew his contract with a local oil and...

Need help with your business? Visit the Business Support Centre

Mapping out the pathway for your business, when first starting out, can be daunting. Questions on approvals, applications and seeking out the right channels...

Five Bruneian companies taking part in halal showcase in Penang

Five local businesses will take to the Penang International Halal Expo and Conference (PIHEC) this weekend to showcase their products and services and seek...

Saving one life at a time: Fiziq Enterprise

“Thank you for saving my life.” An uncommon sentiment to be hearing in a shopping mall – but for one business, makes up their founding...


