Ride hailing service Dart has partnered with a local restaurant with a certified five-star kitchen to roll out a food delivery mobile application called Gerai Ramadhan (GR).
The application is now available on the Google Playstore and soon the Apple App Store, and caters to orders specifically for the breaking of fast, which must be ordered the day prior by 9pm.
Like its namesake, the GR application offers almost 100 affordable local food stall staples like roti john, nasi katok, kueh malaya and grilled lamb, cooked by 15 new local vendors and GR’s partner restaurant.
CEO and co-founder of Dart Zul’Amali DP Hj Idris said the undisclosed partner restaurant has also allowed the local vendors to use its certified kitchen ensuring the food prepared is “Halal and cooked under high quality assurance measures”.
Orders within Brunei-Muara are charged $4.40, Tutong and Temburong $8 and $12 for Belait. Customers can also order from multiple vendors under single checkout and pay a single delivery fee. Dart’s pool of 200 drivers will be dispatching the orders.
Zul’Amali added that the app was developed to help digitise the annual Gerai Ramadhan, which was cancelled this year to prevent overcrowding during ongoing COVID-19 outbreak.
The app is intended to service the month of Ramadhan, with Dart currently planning to launch their own food delivery service by July this year.
Dart is also continuing to provide delivery services to close to 50 restaurants offline, for which they dispatch approximately 100 orders collectively every day.