The Brunei Halal Showcase (BruHAS 2019) is calling local businesses to participate in its third and biggest edition taking place this November 11 to 15 at Bridex.
Registration for home-based businesses or businesses without commercial premises is $100 and $300 for local businesses with a commercial premise. Participation is also open to international businesses, statutory bodies and government-linked companies (GLC) for $1,000. All rates are for three by three metre booths.
Businesses invited to participate include those with Halal consumables – such as F&B and pharmaceutical industries, those who have Halal certified premises, including catering and abattoirs, as well as those offering Islamic themed or related services including financial, education and publishing. Businesses whose target market includes Muslim consumers such as apparel and personal care products are also invited to apply.
Organizers of BruHAS, the Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry (MEMI) and Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) said that this year’s focus would be the role of the Halal economy in the Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) with about 150 companies expected to participate.
BruHAS 2019 features four main activities: the BruHAS Halal Expo showcasing Halal and Islamic themed local and international businesses, an international seminar on Halal Thayyiban products and services (SAPPHAT IV), a Halal clinic providing business advisory and business matching sessions facilitated by Darussalam Enterprise (DARe) for local businesses to gain market access with local and regional industry representatives.

“The collective BruHAS objectives (are) as a platform for trade and networking among regional halal food manufacturing players, to provide awareness on the ecosystem involved for the halal and Islamic related industry, (including) the existing landscape of supply chain, logistics, technology, equipment, systems, policy and processes as well as integrated resource utilisation,” said the organizing secretariat.
“(It also is) a means to generate academic, intellectual and industry-based discussions for a holistic approach towards growing the halal industry in the regional economies.”
For more information contact the BruHAS Secretariat at +6732384488 extension 3631, email, or visit MEMI’s website. To register online click here; applications close October 28, 2019.