Creative Space Art Gallery & Studio are looking to compile a catalogue featuring the artwork of 50 up and coming Bruneian artists by the end of 2019 to boost the profile of local artists internationally.
Manager of the Sengkurong-based Creative Space Osveanne Osman said the catalogue would feature the artists whose art has been featured at their Emerge exhibition, which is currently hosting its sixth edition titled Warisan or heritage.
“Emerge was our gallery’s first exhibition for new local artists since we started in 2016,” said Osveanne, at the launch of the sixth Emerge last Sunday.
“The idea behind Emerge was to create an avenue for newer artists and the Brunei community to come together to showcase, market and discover local art.”
The work of 32 artists have been featured through the Emerge series – many of which have been up for sale. Osveanne shared they will host one or two more Emerge exhibitions to hit their short-term target of 50 artists, curating enough variety to substantiate a printed catalogue.

“We hope to send out the Emerge catalogue to museums and galleries overseas to open up the possibility of Bruneian art being showcased in foreign galleries, attracting potential buyers and collaborators,” she said.
In Emerge’s exhibition statement, Creative Space said that there was a lack of proper documentation and exposure for local art. It added that the latest edition challenges artists to identify their roots and share their knowledge on their origins through art.
Amylia Faizal, who’s displaying her abstract art paintings for the first time, said that she hopes to use Emerge as the first step to gain recognition as an artist.
“When I learned about the what Creative Space was doing for younger artists in Brunei, I believed that it was the right time for me to come out publicly with my art,” said Amylia who began drawing several years ago.
“I’ve brought all six pieces that I’ve produced which uses a lot of spherical imagery, geometric patterns and bold vibrant colours to illustrate (symbolically) a backdrop of the universe.”
Emerge: Warisan runs until December 31, 2018, and will also host art workshops concurrently, covering 2D character design and 3D clay modeling.

Emerge is open for public viewing at the Creative Space from Wednesdays to Sundays from 10am to 4pm, with the exception of Fridays when it opens 2.30pm to 7pm.
Creative Space is located on the first floor, block 6B of the Sengkurong Shopping Complex (opposite Sim Kim Huat). For the latest updates visit Creative Space’s Instagram, Facebook or website.