Game On organizing Gran Turismo tournament this weekend

Best race times for men and women will each win a 32-inch television

Fasten up for Game On Business Management & Services’ latest tournament the Gran Turismo Sport for the PS4 at the Brunei Motor Show that’s happening this weekend at the Bridex Hall 2 in Jerudong.

For $5, visitors to the two-day motorshow can get a two-day pass to the free-to-play gaming stations that will be running the newly released entry to the popular racing simulator, Gran Turismo – and have a crack at winning a 32-inch Philips TV if you record the fastest race under the categories of male and female.

Competitors who have paid the $5 fee can have as many tries at record a best time (will have to queue for each opportunity to race) between 10am to 10pm on October 28 and until 7pm on October 29.

This weekend’s tournament is Game On’s eighth since it became active in December of 2016, and leads up to their marquee event, the Brunei E-Sports Tournament 2017 (BEST 2017), scheduled for this December.

“BEST 2017 will be a two-day event at the RBRC Indah Hall and I believe it will be the biggest e-sports event to date with six of the most played games such as Tekken and Super Smash Bros, with prizes worth over $4000,” said the founder of Game On Amar Agus Din.

The 29-year-old said the idea for Game On came after he worked part-time for local blogger Rano Adidas during the Consumer Fair ten years ago.

“During that time, I learned a lot by observing how to run a successful event and I thought to myself, ‘One day I want to do this myself,’” said Amar.

It wasn’t until he graduated and found a job doing marketing for a government linked company that he believed he had gained the necessary skills and experience to begin his new venture.

“At first when we started, we didn’t have any assets other than my (personal) consoles and we managed to hold a FIFA 17 tournament at the Mabohai shopping complex,” said Amar, which managed a modest turnout 156 players.

His close friends from the Bruneian Gaming Association, Bruplay, of which Amar is a member to, has also helped out by also lending their consoles for events.

Any profits from hosting their events, from open public tournaments to private events for individuals or corporates, have been rolled back into the company, Amar added, in order to buy equipment to grow the quality of the business’ services,

Amar plans to consistently hold monthly tournaments, garnering more sponsorship with local gaming companies in the process and increasing their ability to hold bigger, better tournaments down the line.

“Within five years, I want to be profitable enough that I can open physical space that offers something different for gamers in Brunei,” says the 29-year-old.

Follow on Instagram and @GameOnBMS on Facebook to learn more.