Aspiring and existing businesses are invited to attend Darussalam Enterprise’s (DARe) Entrepreneurship Open Day (EOD) on Tuesday, 29th August at Tutong’s Dewan Kemasyarakatan (Community Hall) from 8am to 9pm, to inquire and learn about the government’s initiatives and support for businesses.
DARe – the national body for local enterprises – will be bringing together more than 30 agencies and financial institutions, each who will have their own dedicated booths with staff on hand to provide consultation to the community on business related matters from 8am until 4pm. The public, including those from outside the Tutong district, are welcome to join.
DARe’s Business Helpdesk will also be present to log in issues and inquiries from businesses, with dedicated officers assigned to look into each case.
Alongside the booths, talks will be held throughout the day, beginning with a presentation on the Sultanate’s vision, Wawasan Brunei 2035, at 9.30am, followed by a talk at 10am on the procedure to obtain halal certification by the Halal Food Control Division under the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
Businesses looking to learn about nutrient labelling and how to test the shelf life of their products can participate in a presentation by the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism at 10.30am.
In the afternoon at 3pm, the Brunei Intellectual Property Office will present on how and why businesses should register Patents, Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Plant Varieties Protection (PVP).

Agencies attending include the Ease of Doing Business Unit, Registry of Company and Business Names, Revenue Division, E-Government National Centre, Department of Electrical Services, Department of Water Services, Labour Department, Immigration Department, JobCentre Brunei, Occupational Health Division, Municipal Department, Belait District Office, Royal Customs & Excise Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Certificate of Origin), Authority of Building Control and Construction Industry, Land Department, Town & Country Planning Department, Agriculture & Agrifood Division, OneBiz, Expo and Trade Fair Secretariat, Tabung Amanah Pekerja and Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam.
Financial institutions include Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam, Standard Chartered Bank, Baiduri, Maybank and Perbadanan Tabung Amanah Islam Brunei.
EOD is a continuous initiative by DARe, held in all four districts to update public on improvements being made to the business ecosystem, register issues faced by business community that needs appropriate resolution and to create awareness on services provided by government agencies and the private sector for Brunei Darussalam’s business community.
Biz Brunei will also be on hand from 8am to 9pm for local businesses looking for support with promotion and marketing. You can email us a profile of your company, along with a description of your products and services in advance to with the subject title: Biz Brunei – EOD Tutong – Company Name.