“This is not what it looked like online.”
An all too common problem faced by eager customers buying too-good-to-be-true products online. However one Bruneian company has a solution.
With an online marketplace that complements physical cube stores, Cube Junction, or CJ in short, intends to masterfully create offline-to-online (O2O) shops as a trustworthy avenue for any individual who wants to sell their products – ranging from the handmade crafted phone cases to an experimental organic perfume. This is where any starting entrepreneur could start.
Launched early January, the thriving marketplace can work for you by placing your line of products on the shelves for maximum exposure. The first of the planned physical shelves have already opened where CJ’s main office is also located – on the first floor at iCentre.

Anyone can walk in the fully revamped floor to provide customers an exceptional shopping experience. The sellers can place their products on beautifully decorated shelves while customers can browse and leisure around the space. Shop attendants will also be at the ready to guide customers to the right products for a premium feel.
If you like what you see, you can quickly purchase it on www.cubejunction.com – where they’ve simplified registering a shopper’s account by connecting it to your Facebook profile.
Your own personal account adds a perk of being able to socialize with the community in outsourcing ideas and suggestions to the direct you to the right product.
Sellers would be able to advertise their products under their personalised company page where customers can interact with you. While conveniently listed in one page, sellers are able to cross check on the number of views, feedback and likes.
On getting products, rest assured: customers and sellers do not have to be worried about long-distance delivery. Here, CJ can give you an ease of mind and security with reputable e-commerce forwarder companies – Concord Transworld Forwarding for Brunei Inland & hinterland distribution, AFL Logistic, Hong Kong and CargoLink Indonesia – to deliver your selected items in perfect shape (and taste) at your doorstep and saving you from your woes at the post office.
For this initial launching, the budding company welcomes sellers to register at their space for a one-time BND$50.00 deposit – with a waiver on the administrative fee for an exclusive period. Over the long term, CJ provides a low rate in charging sellers for their facilities in understanding the need for low cost onboarding for up-and-coming entrepreneurs.
A prospective seller can contact the CJ team directly where they also provide an in-house consultation service for branding and packaging for free.
Currently, there are about 21 sellers, including homegrown Beaute Rosetta, Koppe Company and Eko Kampung, that are selling in about a dozen countries by utilizing the budding marketplace.

The public can visit CJ from 9am to 7pm everyday (except 11.30am to 2pm on Friday). CJ can be contacted at +6732382616 ext 131 or +6738693781